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قطر السلك وقيمة الأمبير ومفتاح التشغيل للتكييف

 قطر السلك وقيمة الأمبير ومفتاح التشغيل للتكييف طريقة حساب سعة القاطع مقطع السلكجدول مفاتيح المتاحة بالسوق لأجهزة
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مكونات التكييف االربعة

 مكونات التكييف الأربعة الضاغط - المكثف - وسيلة التمدد - المبخر الضاغط مكون التكييف ا...
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جدول وكيفية حساب نسمة التحميص superheat فى حالة التبريد للفريونات...

 جدول وكيفية حساب نسمة التحميص superheat فى حالة التبريد للفريونات r22-r410aالسوبر هيت Super heat
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تحويلات هامة عن التكييف

 تحويلات هامة عن التكييفالقدرة الكهربية المستهلكة بالوات
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جدول الاعطال لجميع اجهزة شارب

 جدول الاعطال لجميع اجهزة شارب هاى وول جدول اعطال تكييف تورنادوجدول الاعطال لجميع اجهزة شارب هاى وول جدول اعطال تكييف تورنادو
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تست مود ديب فريزر وايت ويل 7 درج

 تست مود ديب فريزر وايت ويل 7 درج بعد فصل الفريزر وتشغيله مرة اخرى بتودس على + و - مع بعض ثواني بشرط يكون مبرد بخيش تست لجميع الأجزاء ورا بعض .. هتعلق افوميتر على سلك السخان و تشوفة هيقرأ معاك امبير ولا لاة و ليكن مثلا 0.7 امبير
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التفريغ والشحن

 التفريغ والشحن طلمبات التفريغ الفاكيوم التفريغ ازالة الرطوبةاختبار الفاكيوم شحن البخار الشحن بالوزن الشحن السائل 
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الغازات الخاملة واستخدمها فى التكييف

 الغازات الخاملة واستخدمها فى التكييف الغازات الخاملة غاز النيتروجين وثاني أكسيد الكربون منظم الضغط استخدام الغاز الخامل طرد الغازات اثناء اللحام ضغط الجهاز للاختبار اختبار التنفيس برغاوى الصابون 
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Refrigeration and air conditioning are

 Refrigeration and air conditioning are

Refrigeration and air conditioning are two closely related technologies that are used to control the temperature and humidity of a space. These systems are used in a wide variety of applications, from residential homes and commercial buildings to industrial processes and transportation.

The basic principle behind refrigeration is the use of a refrigerant, a substance that can easily change between a liquid and a gas. The refrigerant is compressed, causing it to turn into a hot, high-pressure gas. This gas is then passed through a cooling coil, where it is cooled and turns back into a liquid. The liquid refrigerant then flows through an expansion valve, where it rapidly expands and turns back into a cool, low-pressure gas. This cool gas is then passed through the evaporator, where it absorbs heat from the space to be cooled. The cycle then repeats, with the refrigerant being compressed, cooled, and expanded again.

Air conditioning systems use the same basic principle, but also include a fan to circulate the cooled air throughout the space. In addition to cooling the air, air conditioning systems also remove moisture from the air, which helps to control humidity.

There are several laws and regulations that govern the use of refrigeration and air conditioning systems. The most important of these is the Clean Air Act, which regulates the use of refrigerants and other chemicals that can have an impact on the environment. In addition, the Energy Star program, which is run by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, sets standards for the energy efficiency of refrigeration and air conditioning systems.

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When it comes to the calculations, it is important to consider the cooling load, which is the amount of heat that must be removed from a space to maintain a comfortable temperature. This can be calculated using a variety of factors, including the size of the space, the number of people and equipment in the space, and the amount of insulation in the walls and roof.

Another important calculation is the coefficient of performance (COP), which is a measure of the efficiency of a refrigeration or air conditioning system. The COP is calculated by dividing the amount of cooling produced by the amount of energy used by the system.

In conclusion, refrigeration and air conditioning are essential technologies that are used in a wide variety of applications. These systems use the basic principle of refrigeration to control temperature and humidity, and are governed by a variety of laws and regulations that are intended to protect the environment. The cooling load and COP are the most important calculations used to determine the efficiency of a refrigeration or air conditioning system.

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