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The latest air conditioning systems

The latest air conditioning systems


Another trend is the integration of smart technology into air conditioning systems. This allows for remote control and monitoring of the system through a smartphone app or other internet-connected device, as well as the ability to program and automate the system's operation.

Additionally, there is a growing use of green refrigerants in air conditioning systems to reduce their environmental impact. One example is R-32, a refrigerant that has a lower global warming potential than traditional refrigerants and is being increasingly used in residential and commercial air conditioners.

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Finally, a possible development is the use of Artificial Intelligence, it could be used to optimize the energy consumption of the air conditioning units and also, to improve the diagnostic and maintenance of the systems

Please keep in mind that these are general trends, and the specific features and capabilities of individual air conditioning systems may vary. It would be best to consult with a professional or research specific models to find the best option for your needs. 

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